Testsuites for 'Oracular' series

Access the list of orphaned testsuites
Testcase title in 'Automated Upgrade'Testcase status
Upgrade to dev - ubuntu-desktop - text mode - non interactiveMandatory
Testcase title in 'Desktop Upgrade'Testcase status
Testcase title in 'Edubuntu'Testcase status
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Edubuntu Desktop Post-installRun-once
Testcase title in 'Edubuntu Desktop arm64+raspi'Testcase status
RaspberryPi 5 8GB Desktop SDMandatory
Testcase title in 'Kubuntu Desktop'Testcase status
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (BIOS)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (EFI)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (encryption)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (entire disk)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (full install)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (install alongside)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (minimal install)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (replace partition)Mandatory
Live Session using Calamares+installer-promptMandatory
1806_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (autologin)Run-once
1808_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (no Internet)Run-once
1809_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (non-English)Run-once
1810_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (OEM)Run-once
1811_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (updates)Run-once
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (EFI + Secure Boot)Run-once
Testcase title in 'Kubuntu Desktop Extra'Testcase status
Non-English Live Session & Installation; Full Network SupportOptional
Testcase title in 'Kubuntu LTS Upgrades'Testcase status
Upgrade LTSMandatory
Testcase title in 'Kubuntu Upgrades'Testcase status
Testcase title in 'LTS Desktop Upgrade (Bionic)'Testcase status
Upgrade LTSMandatory
Testcase title in 'LTS Desktop Upgrade (Trusty)'Testcase status
Upgrade LTSMandatory
Upgrade LTS (Image)Run-once
Testcase title in 'Legacy testcases for 'Xubuntu Alternate i386''Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with encryption)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning) i386Run-once
Testcase title in 'LicheeRV'Testcase status
Install LicheeRVMandatory
Testcase title in 'Lubuntu'Testcase status
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (BIOS)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (EFI + Secure Boot)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (EFI)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (encryption)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (entire disk)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (full install)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (install alongside)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (minimal install)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (replace partition)Mandatory
Live Session using Calamares+installer-promptMandatory
1806_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (autologin)Run-once
1808_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (no Internet)Run-once
1809_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (non-English)Run-once
1810_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (OEM)Run-once
1811_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (updates)Run-once
Testcase title in 'MPFS'Testcase status
Install MPFSMandatory
Testcase title in 'Mythbuntu'Testcase status
Live SessionMandatory
Mythbuntu Backend & FrontendMandatory
Mythbuntu FrontendMandatory
Testcase title in 'Netboot Server Live (amd64)'Testcase status
PXE UEFI Netboot (Server live)Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Netboot Server Live (arm64)'Testcase status
Netinstall (arm64 server live)Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Nezha'Testcase status
Install NezhaMandatory
Testcase title in 'RISCV Generic'Testcase status
Install QemuMandatory
Testcase title in 'RISCV PIC64GX'Testcase status
Install PIC64GX1000 Curiosity KitMandatory
Testcase title in 'RISCV Unleashed Server'Testcase status
Install QemuMandatory
Install UnleashedMandatory
Testcase title in 'RISCV Unmatched Server'Testcase status
Install UnmatchedMandatory
Testcase title in 'Server upgrade'Testcase status
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Base'Testcase status
Ubuntu Core Image Smoke TestMandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Budgie'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install UEFI (Desktop)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Install (OEM setup)Optional
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Optional
Install (manual partitioning)Optional
Non-English Installation No NetworkOptional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Cinnamon Desktop'Testcase status
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (live session)Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with TPM encryption)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with ZFS)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Install UEFI SecureBoot nVidiaMandatory
Install no TPM option without TPM supportMandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop (legacy)'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with ZFS)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop Mandatory Extras'Testcase status
Install (Screen Reader)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Mandatory
Install (erase and re-install)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition)Mandatory
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Disabled)Mandatory
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Enabled)Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop Mandatory Extras (2)'Testcase status
Certified Devices TestingMandatory
Install (OEM setup)Mandatory
Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)Mandatory
Install (erase and re-install)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition)Mandatory
Install UEFI SecureBoot nVidiaMandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop Run-Once'Testcase status
First login wizardRun-once
Install (Safe Graphics mode)Run-once
Install BitlockerRun-once
Install RSTRun-once
Non-English Installation No NetworkRun-once
Non-English Installation OnlineRun-once
Non-English Installation Online and CJK InputRun-once
Non-English Live Session and Installation; Full Network SupportRun-once
Non-English Live Session and Installation; No NetworkRun-once
Other FeaturesRun-once
Post-Installation TestsRun-once
RaspberryPi 4 4GB Desktop USBRun-once
RaspberryPi 4 8GB Desktop USBRun-once
Test dock progress bar during snap refreshRun-once
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop Run-Once (arm64)'Testcase status
Install (Screen Reader)Run-once
Install (live session)Run-once
Installation Broken InternetRun-once
Non-English Installation Full Network SupportRun-once
Non-English Installation Full Network Support & CJK InputRun-once
Non-English Installation No NetworkRun-once
Non-English Live Session & Installation; Full Network SupportRun-once
Non-English Live Session & Installation; No NetworkRun-once
Other FeaturesRun-once
Post-Installation TestsRun-once
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Desktop arm64+raspi'Testcase status
1816_RaspberryPi 5 4GB Desktop NVMeMandatory
1817_RaspberryPi 5 8GB Desktop USBMandatory
RaspberryPi 4 4GB Desktop SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 4 8GB Desktop SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 400 Desktop SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 400 Desktop USBMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 16GB Desktop NVMeMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 16GB Desktop SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 16GB Desktop USBMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 4GB Desktop NVMeMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 4GB Desktop SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 4GB Desktop USB3Mandatory
RaspberryPi 5 8GB Desktop SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 8GB Desktop USBMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 8GB Desktop USBMandatory
RaspberryPi 500 Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 500 SDMandatory
RaspberryPi 500 USBMandatory
Raspberry Pi KeyboardRun-once
RaspberryPi CM4 4GB Desktop eMMCOptional
RaspberryPi CM4 8GB Desktop eMMCOptional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Kylin Installation'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Kylin Optional Apps'Testcase status
Ubuntu Kylin Fcitx TestsOptional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Kylin UKUI Desktop'Testcase status
kylin-greeter (UbuntuKylin)Run-once
peony(Ubuntu Kylin)Run-once
ukui-control-center(Ubuntu Kylin)Run-once
ukui-indicators(Ubuntu Kylin)Run-once
ukui-menu(Ubuntu Kylin)Run-once
ukui-screensaver(Ubuntu Kylin)Run-once
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Mate'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Install (Screen Reader)Run-once
Install (OEM setup)Optional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Server'Testcase status
Install (Default)Mandatory
Install (Default + LVM)Run-once
Install (Default + crypted LVM)Run-once
RaspberryPi 400 Desktop USBRun-once
Install (Bind9)Optional
Install (LAMP)Optional
Install (Mail server)Optional
Install (No Network Connection)Optional
Install (OpenSSH server)Optional
Install (PostgreSQL database server)Optional
Install (Preseed)Optional
Install (Samba server)Optional
Install (Virtualization host)Optional
Install (default + RAID1)Optional
Rescue ModeOptional
iSCSI Authenticated Root InstallationOptional
iSCSI Unauthenticated Root InstallationOptional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Server arm64+raspi'Testcase status
Raspberry Pi KeyboardMandatory
Raspberry Pi flash-kernelMandatory
RaspberryPi 4 2GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 4 4GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 4 8GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 400 Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 16GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 2GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 4GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 5 8GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi 500 Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi CM4 2GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi CM4 4GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi CM4 8GB Post-installMandatory
RaspberryPi SerialMandatory
RaspberryPi 2 Post-installOptional
RaspberryPi 3A+ Post-installOptional
RaspberryPi 3B Post-installOptional
RaspberryPi 3B+ Post-installOptional
RaspberryPi CM3+ Lite Post-installOptional
RaspberryPi CM3+ Post-installOptional
RaspberryPi Zero 2 Post-installOptional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Studio'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Ubuntu Studio PipeWire Post-InstallRun-once
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Subiquity amd64'Testcase status
Install BIOS (Server live)Mandatory
Install UEFI (Server live)Mandatory
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Disabled)Run-once
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Enabled)Run-once
PXE BIOS Netboot (Server live)Run-once
PXE UEFI Netboot (Server live)Run-once
Degraded RAID1 (Server live)Optional
Install RAID1 (Server live)Optional
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Subiquity arm64'Testcase status
Install Lenovo Thinkpad T14s Gen 6Mandatory
Install Lenovo Thinkpad X13sMandatory
Install UEFI (Server live)Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Subiquity ppc64el'Testcase status
Install in Qemu/KVMMandatory
Install Virtual CDROMRun-once
PPC64EL Install using Netboot (Petitboot)Run-once
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Subiquity riscv64'Testcase status
Install JH7110Mandatory
QEMU riscv64 InstallMandatory
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Disabled)Run-once
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Subiquity s390x'Testcase status
Install in Qemu/KVMMandatory
S390X Install LPAR (Server live)Mandatory
S390X Install zVM (Server live)Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Ubuntu Unity Desktop'Testcase status
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (BIOS)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (EFI + Secure Boot)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (EFI)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (entire disk)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (full install)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (install alongside)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (minimal install)Mandatory
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (replace partition)Mandatory
Live Session using Calamares+installer-promptMandatory
1806_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (autologin)Run-once
1808_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (no Internet)Run-once
1809_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (non-English)Run-once
1810_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (OEM)Run-once
1811_Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (updates)Run-once
Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (encryption)Run-once
Testcase title in 'VisionFive'Testcase status
Install VisionFiveMandatory
Testcase title in 'VisionFive 2'Testcase status
Install VisionFive 2Mandatory
Testcase title in 'WSL'Testcase status
WSL Double ClickMandatory
WSL Import and runMandatory
WSL cloud-initMandatory
WSL_Double ClickMandatory
WSL_Tar Format on WSL1Mandatory
Testcase title in 'Xubuntu Installation'Testcase status
Install (auto-resize)Mandatory
Install (entire disk)Mandatory
Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory
Live SessionMandatory
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Run-once
Install (no Network)Run-once
Testcase title in 'Xubuntu Minimal'Testcase status
Xubuntu Core InstallMandatory
Testcase title in 'Xubuntu Post-installation'Testcase status
Xubuntu Post-installMandatory
Testcase title in 'milkv-mars'Testcase status
1795 Install Milk-V MarsMandatory