Details for testcase: Ukui-screensaver(Ubuntu Kylin)

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Titleukui-screensaver(Ubuntu Kylin)
LinkNo link provided
Part of testsuitesUbuntu Kylin UKUI Desktop

RevisionWritten on the 2017-09-05 22:16 by maclin.jun
Open start menu, click the button at the right side of “Power” button, choose “Lock screen”
System screen locked up.
Input the correct password in the password box, click the arrow beside the password box or strike Enter.
Log into the system successfully.
Open start menu, click "Settings", choose "Power management"
"Power Management" setting window shows.
Choose "Normal", check "Activate screensaver when computer is idle" and "Lock screen when screensaver is active", then set "Regard the computer when computer is idle" as "5 minutes"
Leave the system alone, wait for 5 minutes
Screen locked up
Input the correct password in the password box, click the arrow beside the password box or strike Enter.
Log into the system successfully.

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