Details for testcase: Install PIC64GX1000 Curiosity Kit

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TitleInstall PIC64GX1000 Curiosity Kit
LinkNo link provided
Part of testsuitesRISCV PIC64GX

RevisionWritten on the 2025-02-12 05:48 by hyask

The scope of this test is to ensure that riscv64+pic64gx image boots from
SD card on the Microchip PIX64GX1000 Curiosity Kit

Flash the downloaded image onto a microSDXC card
You can use xz -d to decompress, and then dd to copy the image to the SD card
Connect network
Connect Ethernet to the RJ45 connector
Connect UART
Connect with a USB cable to the USB-C socket for the serial console
The board is powered via the same USB cable if jumper J47 is closed.
Connect to the serial console
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb
The U-Boot's 'Hit any key to stop autoboot:' message is displayed.
The board launches GRUB after the count-down.
You should see GRUB menu
The default kernel should boot after a delay
After a while cloud-init will run
On first boot wait for the 'Cloud-init finished' message.
Login and change password
Login using ubuntu for both username and password
Reenter the password again
Set a new password
Confirm the new password
Perform generic testing
Check that apt update works
Run any command that is not installed, check that command-not-found recommends things to install
e.g. hello
Install a package and check that it works, e.g. hello
Perform snap testing
Install a snap and check that it works, e.g. hello
The board should reboot normally
Console messages should reach poweroff target
There should be final kernel powering off message
Disconnect the USB-C cable to power off the board

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.