Details for testcase: Install using Calamares+installer-prompt (manual partitioning)

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TitleInstall using Calamares+installer-prompt (manual partitioning)
LinkNo link provided
Part of testsuitesKubuntu Desktop
Ubuntu Unity Desktop

RevisionWritten on the 2024-04-29 11:37 by andersson123

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English

Boot up the image
FAMILY boot screen is displayed
When installer-prompt starts select your language in the first prompt
Language is selected, all labels are changed to translated versions
Current internet connection is shown in the second prompt
Press "Install FAMILY" and wait for Calamares installer to start
After the "Welcome" pane is shown click "Next"
The "Location" pane is shown with a map and options to select region, time zone, language, and number/date locale
Select the appropriate locale options and click "Next"
The display should reflect your selections
In the "Keyboard" pane, select your keyboard layout and click "Next"
Test the keyboard layout in the given box, which should be set correctly
At the "Customize" pane, click "Next"
"Normal Installation" should be selected, but there are also options for "Full Installation" and "Minimal Installation"
"Download and install updates following installation" should be unchecked
The checkboxes under "Install additional third-party packages" should be unchecked
At the "Partions" pane, select the "Erase manual partitioning" radio button and click "Next"
At the top, the correct storage device should be selected
At the bottom, the current partition layout should be shown
At the partition screen, set up your partition scheme and click "Next"
At the top, the correct storage device should be selected
Below the storage device, a bar should be shown reflecting your partition scheme
The table below the bar should list the partitions, file system, label, mount point, and size
Below the partition layout, the bootloader should show that it's being installed to the correct location
At the "Users" pane, enter details about the main system user and click "Next"
All details should be correctly filled in
At the "Summary" pane, confirm the details you entered throughout the install are accurate and click "Install", then "Install now"
All details should match what you entered
The slideshow should correctly display
At the "Finish" pane, "Restart now" is checked. Click "Done" to restart
Remove the media when prompted and hit enter as instructed
Allow the machine to reboot
The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY showing the username you entered

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.