Ubuntu Desktop amd64 testcases in Plucky Daily (archived)

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Ubuntu DesktopTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Install (entire disk)Install (entire disk)Mandatory---
Install (auto-resize)Install (auto-resize)Mandatory---
Install (entire disk with TPM encryption)Install (entire disk with TPM encryption)Mandatory---
Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)Install (entire disk with ZFS plus encryption)Mandatory---
Install (entire disk with ZFS)Install (entire disk with ZFS)Mandatory---
Install (manual partitioning)Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory---
Install UEFI SecureBoot nVidiaInstall UEFI SecureBoot nVidiaMandatory---
Install no TPM option without TPM supportInstall no TPM option without TPM supportMandatory---
Live SessionLive SessionMandatory---
Ubuntu Desktop Mandatory ExtrasTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Install (Screen Reader)Install (Screen Reader)Mandatory---
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Mandatory---
Install (erase and re-install)Install (erase and re-install)Mandatory---
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Disabled)Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Disabled)Mandatory---
Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Enabled)Install Kernel Crash Dumps Automatic (Enabled)Mandatory---
Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition)Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition)Mandatory---
Ubuntu Desktop Run-OnceTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Install (Safe Graphics mode)Install (Safe Graphics mode)Run-once---
Non-English Installation OnlineNon-English Installation OnlineRun-once---
Non-English Live Session and Installation; Full Network SupportNon-English Live Session and Installation; Full Network SupportRun-once---
Non-English Live Session and Installation; No NetworkNon-English Live Session and Installation; No NetworkRun-once---
RaspberryPi 4 4GB Desktop USBRaspberryPi 4 4GB Desktop USBRun-once---
RaspberryPi 4 8GB Desktop USBRaspberryPi 4 8GB Desktop USBRun-once---
Test dock progress bar during snap refreshTest dock progress bar during snap refreshRun-once---
Non-English Installation Online and CJK InputNon-English Installation Online and CJK InputRun-once---
Non-English Installation No NetworkNon-English Installation No NetworkRun-once---
Install RSTInstall RSTRun-once---
Install BitlockerInstall BitlockerRun-once---
Other FeaturesOther FeaturesRun-once---
Post-Installation TestsPost-Installation TestsRun-once---
First login wizardFirst login wizardRun-once---