| guiverc | 2019-04-16 21:53 | | hp 8200 elite sff (i5-2400, 8gb, nvidia quadro 600)
my ISO was outdated due my error (zsync job didn't download anything, i assumed no update, but it was out-of-space causing abended..) - the issues mentioned below disappeared when ISO updated to 20190416, tests quickly re-done (excluding `software` [mousepad/leafpad/liferea] stuff)
// following was done on 20190413.1 was my daily image - I didn't check my download zsync script correctly noting only that it didn't download anything so assumed it was latest - nope it was out-of-space & abend...)
booted it & it was 800x600 on single display? rebooted & same, rebooted re-checked thumb-drive & tried safe video (same) .. okay
looked in ubuntu-drivers, it gave me other options - I switched to first (of 3) being 'tested' & logout.. screen went dark, then both screen woke up & were 1920x1080 :)
login & switch my screens to my layout (one above other)
firefox; stream local news in window, maximized, f11 & fullscreen on each display
media keys are controlling volume (up/down/mute) :)
software; search mouspad - already installed as expected, leafpad and tried to install this but 'Unable to install leafpad - 'snap "leafpad" has "install-snap" change in progress' so picking something else, liferea (installed), launch .. let it update, (minor setting changes) exit
open 'liferea' using menu .. same changes I made to layout were visible
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