Live Session in Kubuntu Desktop amd64 in Vivid Beta 1 (archived)

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Testcase (Report an issue with this testcase)

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English

Test-case Live Session Start

Boot up the image
Kubuntu boot screen is displayed
When the installer starts select your language in the left column
Language is selected, all labels are changed to translated versions
Press "Try Kubuntu" and wait for the Live session to start
The default desktop is displayed

Test-case Live Session Usage

Use and execute the default applications found for the desktop enviroment being run
All applications should function without error

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.

ReporterLast updateBugsComment
Failedalexej-go2015-02-27 21:02
KDE partition manager fails to start (#1426612)
In: Ubuntu Manual Tests
Status: Invalid
Importance: Undecided
1 reports, 3 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates
KDE panel stops responding when System Monitor is open (#1426615)
In: Ubuntu Manual Tests
Status: Invalid
Importance: Undecided
1 reports, 3 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates

See reported minor bugs. All else seems to work well.

Link to the testcase revision
Failedsaqman20602015-02-25 14:30
Muon Discover for kubuntu does not install applications (#1425651)
In: muon (Ubuntu)
Status: Confirmed
Importance: Medium
1 reports, 3 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates

The muon software center is poorly made. I an not sure if it is supposed to show only KDE based applications, but its app repository was not very big. Plus, was unable to install any of the applications.

Link to the testcase revision
ReporterLast updateBugsComment
Passedpaulw2u2015-02-25 12:56Link to the testcase revision
Passedhirenngandhi2015-02-25 10:52

Tested using the TestDrive app using virtualbox. As such noticed that when I changed the Desktop theme from Breeze to Dark Breeze, some taskbar elements like the application launcher, icons, and date hat should be on the lower right dont show (if you mouse over they're still there though). It could be only a virtualbox issue though. Aside from that, all default apps ran as intended.

Link to the testcase revision
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