This test case is to be carried out on a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 8GB.
Follow the installation steps at
IoT installation media
After logging in, run
systemctl status
, and look at the
"State:" reported at the top of the output
State should be reported as "running". In particular, it should
not read "degraded".
sudo flash-kernel
Exit code is clean (0) and no error messages are reported
sudo reboot
System reboots successfully to a login prompt
sudo shutdown -h now
System shuts down in a reasonable time (less than a minute)
Check output of
free -h
Reported "Mem" under "total" is consistent with a
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 8GB. It should be in the region of 7.6-7.8GB.
Perform a large (300-600MB) file copy to USB storage
- Generate a large (500MB) file:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=rubbish
bs=1M count=500
- Insert a USB stick (appropriately sized) into a spare USB port
- Make a mount directory:
sudo mkdir /mnt/stick
- Mount the stick:
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/stick
(modify mount-point as necessary; check sudo dmesg
output if unsure)
- Copy the file:
sudo cp rubbish /mnt/stick/
- Unmount the stick:
sudo umount /mnt/stick
- Remove the stick from the USB port
- Re-insert the stick into the USB port
- Re-mount the stick:
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/stick
(again, adjust mount-point as necessary)
- Compare the copied file to that on the stick:
cmp rubbish
returns 0 and outputs nothing, indicating the files are
With an HDMI monitor that supports audio plugged into
the HDMI0 output, and an available MP3 file:
- Install ffmpeg and amixer with
sudo apt install ffmpeg
- Find the correct card name for the HDMI0 port:
cat /proc/asound/cards
and note the name in [brackets]
for the HDMI0 port
- Attempt to play your MP3 file with:
ffmpeg -i
music.mp3 -f alsa -ar 22050 default:CARD=name
substituting name for the card name found during the
previous step, and music.mp3 for your choice of MP3 file,
e.g. ffmpeg -i "Jeff Wayne - War of the Worlds.mp3"
-f alsa -ar 22050 default:CARD=vc4hdmi0
- Use Ctrl+C or q to end playback early, if you
- If you cannot hear anything, first check that the mixer's volume is
not set too low; run alsamixer
, and adjust the volume
(J for down, K for up) before exiting
(Esc) and retrying playback
- Audio can be heard through the device
With an HDMI monitor that supports audio plugged into
the HDMI1 output, and an available MP3 file:
- Install ffmpeg and amixer with
sudo apt install ffmpeg
- Find the correct card name for the HDMI1 port:
cat /proc/asound/cards
and note the name in [brackets]
for the HDMI1 port
- Attempt to play your MP3 file with:
ffmpeg -i
music.mp3 -f alsa -ar 22050 default:CARD=name
substituting name for the card name found during the
previous step, and music.mp3 for your choice of MP3 file,
e.g. ffmpeg -i "Jeff Wayne - War of the Worlds.mp3"
-f alsa -ar 22050 default:CARD=vc4hdmi0
- Use Ctrl+C or q to end playback early, if you
- If you cannot hear anything, first check that the mixer's volume is
not set too low; run alsamixer
, and adjust the volume
(J for down, K for up) before exiting
(Esc) and retrying playback
- Audio can be heard through the device
Check auto-configuration of ethernet
- Run
ip addr
- Check that a valid IP address is recorded on the eth0 interface
- Check
successfully pings a few times
(Ctrl+C to cancel)
The "eth0" interface should have a DHCP
assigned IP address and you should be able to ping
Configure wifi via netplan
The "wlan0" interface should have a DHCP
assigned IP address and you should be able to ping
Configure bluetooth, scan for, and pair, a device
- Install bluez with
sudo apt install bluez
- Run
sudo bluetoothctl
- Check bluetoothctl prints
Agent registered
- Check the MAC address looks "real" (not some obviously blank
value like AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA)
- Run
scan on
- Make some other Bluetooth device visible for pairing (e.g. go into
Bluetooth settings on your Android phone)
- Verify the other Bluetooth device appears in console output
- Run
where XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the other device's MAC address, as it
appears in scan output
- Verify the passcode on both devices
- Check output includes "Pairing successful"
- Disable scanning with
scan off
- Exit tool with
The Bluetooth interface should have a valid MAC address (not
AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA), can see and pair with another Bluetooth device.
Check the CPU clock speed using
- Stress the CPU by doing
yes > /dev/null &
- Run
sudo vcgencmd measure_clock arm
after about 5 sec
- Kill the stress process
- The output should be around 1.5GHz (obtained from online specs)
sudo vcmailbox 0x00010004 8 8 0 0
The output should have the board serial number as the 6th integer.
- Copy the live device tree using
dtc -I fs -O dtb -o test.dtb /proc/device-tree
- Use dtmerge to overclock the SD card.
dtmerge test.dtb merged.dtb - sd_overclock=62
- Check the contents of the new DTB.
dtdiff test.dtb merged.dtb
- Delete both test.dtb and merged.dtb
merged.dtb should have
brcm,overclock-50 = 0x3e
under the SD card device.
- Run
sudo dtoverlay pwm
- Run
sudo dtoverlay -l
- The PWM Overlay should show up as loaded. Remove it by running
sudo dtoverlay -r pwm
- Run
sudo dtparam sd_overclock=62
- Run
sudo dtparam -l
- The sd_overclock parameter should show up as set. Remove it by running
sudo dtparam -r 0
sudo pinctrl
- THe output should have status of the GPIO pins.
sudo raspinfo
- The output should have an information dump about the Pi.
If all actions produce the expected results listed,
please submit a 'passed' result.
If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result,
please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include
the bug number when you submit your