WARNING: This image is OVERSIZED. This should never happen during milestone testing.
Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation, that language packs are downloaded and installed correctly from the Internet and that the input methods for either Chinese, Japanese or Korean are working.
If all actions produce the expected results described, please submit a 'passed' result. If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.
Installer is currently missing Chinese (Traditional) translations.
Current observations:
Chinese Simplified Installation: - Chinese Simplified installer translations were of not good quality. - The LiveDVD environment does not allow you to input the Chinese full name into the installer (which is allowed after the installation). - The slideshows and some slogans in the installer are not translated.
After Installation: - GDM, GNOME Shell, apps localized. - Fcitx5 is working but is very buggy on GNOME + Wayland (the candidate input box was not showing at the correct location on the first keyboard input).
General Issues observed: - The installer crashes at the end of the installation when running inside QEMU + KVM with virtio + OpenGL acceleration enabled (if OpenGL acceleration is disabled, the issue will not happen).
Chinese installation: - system is localized - ibus input method works - font is ugly, it chooses AR PL UMing font.
Chinese installation: - GDM, GNOME Shell, apps localized. - On startup, org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources was set to [('xkb', 'cn'), ('ibus', 'libpinyin')] and current to 0. - After switching from xkb-cn to ibus-libpinyin, the ibus character selector appeared in GNOME Text Editor as expected.