RaspberryPi CM3+ Lite Post-install in Ubuntu Server armhf+raspi2 in Xenial Daily (archived)

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This test case is to be carried out on a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+ Lite.
Follow the installation steps at
IoT installation media

After logging in, run systemctl status, and look at the
"State:" reported at the top of the output
State should be reported as "running". In particular, it should
not read "degraded".
Run sudo flash-kernel
Exit code is clean (0) and no error messages are reported
Run sudo reboot
System reboots successfully to a login prompt
Run sudo shutdown -h now
System shuts down in a reasonable time (less than a minute)
Check output of free -h
Reported "Mem" under "total" is consistent with a
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+ Lite. It should be in the region of 800-1000MB.
Perform a large (300-600MB) file copy to USB storage
  • Generate a large (500MB) file: dd if=/dev/urandom of=rubbish
    bs=1M count=500
  • Insert a USB stick (appropriately sized) into a spare USB port
  • Make a mount directory: sudo mkdir /mnt/stick
  • Mount the stick: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/stick
    (modify mount-point as necessary; check sudo dmesg
    output if unsure)
  • Copy the file: sudo cp rubbish /mnt/stick/
  • Unmount the stick: sudo umount /mnt/stick
  • Remove the stick from the USB port
  • Re-insert the stick into the USB port
  • Re-mount the stick: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/stick
    (again, adjust mount-point as necessary)
  • Compare the copied file to that on the stick: cmp rubbish
cmp returns 0 and outputs nothing, indicating the files are
Connect a USB keyboard to one of the USB2 ports
Verify that keys typed on the keyboard appear on the console
With an HDMI monitor that supports audio, and an available MP3 file:
  • Install ffmpeg and amixer with sudo apt install ffmpeg
  • Find the correct card name for the HDMI port:
    cat /proc/asound/cards and note the name in [brackets]
    for the HDMI port
  • Attempt to play your MP3 file with: ffmpeg -i
    music.mp3 -f alsa -ar 22050 default:CARD=name

    substituting name for the card name found during the
    previous step, and music.mp3 for your choice of MP3 file,
    e.g. ffmpeg -i "Jeff Wayne - War of the Worlds.mp3"
    -f alsa -ar 22050 default:CARD=vc4hdmi0
  • Use Ctrl+C or q to end playback early, if you
  • If you cannot hear anything, first check that the mixer's volume is
    not set too low; run alsamixer, and adjust the volume
    (J for down, K for up) before exiting
    (Esc) and retrying playback
Audio can be heard through the device
Check the CPU clock speed using vcgencmd
  • Stress the CPU by doing yes > /dev/null &
  • Run sudo vcgencmd measure_clock arm after about 5 sec
  • Kill the stress process
The output should be around 1.2GHz (obtained from online specs)
Run sudo vcmailbox 0x00010004 8 8 0 0
The output should have the board serial number as the 6th integer.
Test dtmerge
  • Copy the live device tree using dtc -I fs -O dtb -o test.dtb /proc/device-tree
  • Use dtmerge to overclock the SD card. dtmerge test.dtb merged.dtb - sd_overclock=62
  • Check the contents of the new DTB. dtdiff test.dtb merged.dtb
  • Delete both test.dtb and merged.dtb
merged.dtb should have brcm,overclock-50 = 0x3e under the SD card device.
Test dtoverlay
  • Run sudo dtoverlay pwm
  • Run sudo dtoverlay -l
The PWM Overlay should show up as loaded. Remove it by running sudo dtoverlay -r pwm
Test dtparam
  • Run sudo dtparam sd_overclock=62
  • Run sudo dtparam -l
The sd_overclock parameter should show up as set. Remove it by running sudo dtparam -r 0
Run sudo pinctrl
THe output should have status of the GPIO pins.
Run sudo raspinfo
The output should have an information dump about the Pi.

If all actions produce the expected results listed,
please submit a 'passed' result.
If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result,
please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include
the bug number when you submit your

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