Install (Bind9) in Ubuntu Server ppc64el in Bionic 18.04.6 (archived)

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Install (Bind9)Detailed information on the testcase
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Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it, bind is installable and working.

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English

Boot up the image
Choose the desired language
Select "Install Ubuntu Server"
Choose the language
Select your location
Configure locales
At configure keyboard page, select NO
Select the country of the keyboard
Select the keyboard layout
Select hostname ubuntu as default
Insert the name for the new user
Insert the name for the account
Choose a password
Reinsert the password
At encrypt request select NO
Verify or setup the timezone
At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"
Select disk to partition
At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES
At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter
At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"
At Software selection, choose "DNS Server" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"
Select to install Grub in the master boot record
Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)
Wait that the system reboot and login
Verify that bind:
Is running
pgrep named returns the pid of named
Is listening for IPv4 and IPv6:
sudo netstat -atuvpn | egrep '(:53)' | egrep -v '(ESTABLISHED|CLOSE_WAIT|LAST_ACK)' should list named is listening on port 53 for tcp, tcp6, udp and udp6.
If the system can access the outside world, dns queries against the server at localhost should work
host localhost
host -T localhost
host -6 ip6-localhost
host -T -6 ip6-localhost

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.

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