Install (entire disk) in Ubuntu MATE Desktop amd64 in Artful Daily (archived)

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Install (entire disk)Detailed information on the testcase
Bug instructionsLink to bug reporting instructions
Testcase (Report an issue with this testcase)

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.

Boot up the image
If you see the GRUB boot menu you should see the following:
  • 'Try or Install Ubuntu Mate'
  • 'Ubuntu Mate (safe graphics)'
  • 'OEM install (for manufacturers)'
  • 'Test memory' (only on BIOS systems)
  • The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try Ubuntu Mate' and 'Install Ubuntu Mate' buttons
    Click on the release notes hyperlink to confirm that a browser launches and you are taken to the release notes discourse page.
    Click on the Install Ubuntu Mate button
    The 'Keyboard layout' screen appears
    The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard
    Select your keyboard layout and click on Continue
    The 'Updates and other software' screen is displayed
    On the screen 'Updates and other software', note the availability of the following components
    Available options should represent the state of your system accurately
    • (If network is available) 'Download updates while installing Ubuntu Mate'
    • (If on a 'laptop') 'Is plugged to a power source'
    • 'Install third-party software...' option available
    Click on the Continue button
    The 'Installation type' screen is displayed
    Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install Ubuntu Mate' radio button
    The 'Erase disk and install Ubuntu Mate' radio button is selected and the 'Advanced features' button is active
    Click on the Continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install Now')
    'Write the changes to disks' dialogue appears
    Click Continue
    If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed
    If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 12 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' page, select a drive in the 'Select drive' list.
    Verify that the selected drive corresponds to the drive on the chart
    Verify that the full drive space is allocated
    Full drive space is allocated for installation
    Click on the Install Now button
    The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed
    If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone corresponds with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box
    The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a major city from your area
    Select your timezone, and click on the Continue button
    The 'Who are you?' screen appears
    Input your initial user details and password admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User
    'Require my password to log in' is shown and selected or if 'Log in automatically' and 'require my password to log in' are shown then 'Require my password to login' is selected. If just 'Require my password to log in' is shown, having it off is the equivalent of having 'Log in automatically' on.
    Name, username and password are accepted.
    Continue button becomes available
    Press Continue
    The 'Welcome to Ubuntu Mate' slide is displayed
    The slideshow is entirely in your language
    Wait for the installer to finish
    An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears
    Click the 'Restart Now' button
    GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears
    Remove the disc and press enter
    The machine is rebooted
    Allow the machine to reboot
    The system boots properly and loads into Ubuntu Mate showing username selected

    If all actions produce the expected results described,
    please submit a 'passed' result.
    If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result,
    please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include
    the bug number when you submit your

    ReporterLast updateBugsComment
    Passedetienne-papegnies2017-08-31 03:16
    Ubiquity problem with encrypted home option: system hangs because of
    ecryptfs-setup-swap not working with swapfiles (#1670336)

    (master bug of duplicate: 1713722)
    In: ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu)
    Status: Fix Released
    Importance: Critical
    Assignee: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
    1 reports, 25 comments, 13 subscribers, 2 duplicates
    started raise network interfaces - times out (#1713984)
    In: systemd (Ubuntu)
    Status: Won't Fix
    Importance: High
    Assignee: Dimitri John Ledkov
    1 reports, 7 comments, 2 subscribers, 0 duplicates

    Installed on hardware: Clevo W510LU with intel N3150 processor. Install went fine except it got stuck on reboot step. Had to SysRq+REISUB. No problem post reboot.

    Link to the testcase revision
    Passedetienne-papegnies2017-08-30 08:31
    Auto-selected keyboard layout no longer matches chosen region on "Where are
    you" page (#1706859)

    (master bug of duplicate: 1713994)
    In: ubiquity (Ubuntu)
    Status: Triaged
    Importance: Medium
    1 reports, 19 comments, 4 subscribers, 3 duplicates

    Looking good. Ubiquity Slideshow is only partially translated but as we're not yet at translation freeze it's not really a problem.

    Link to the testcase revision
    Passedapolitech2017-08-29 19:36
    Passedelcste2017-08-29 19:18Link to the testcase revision
    Passedflexiondotorg2017-08-29 07:51
    Auto-selected keyboard layout no longer matches chosen region on "Where are
    you" page (#1706859)

    (master bug of duplicate: 1713664)
    In: ubiquity (Ubuntu)
    Status: Triaged
    Importance: Medium
    1 reports, 19 comments, 4 subscribers, 3 duplicates
    Language support not installed matching locale (#1732222)
    (master bug of duplicate: 1713702)
    In: language-selector (Ubuntu)
    Status: Triaged
    Importance: High
    1 reports, 16 comments, 3 subscribers, 1 duplicates
    Link to the testcase revision
    Add a test result

    You need to be logged in to submit your test results.