Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption) in Kubuntu Desktop amd64 in Zesty Beta 1 (archived)

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Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Detailed information on the testcase
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Testcase (Report an issue with this testcase)

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.

Boot up the image
If you see the GRUB boot menu you should see the following:
  • 'Try or Install Kubuntu'
  • 'Kubuntu (safe graphics)'
  • 'OEM install (for manufacturers)'
  • 'Test memory' (only on BIOS systems)
  • Upon reaching the desktop environment, you should be greeted with the "Choose your language" screen.
    Pick your desired language.
    You should be greeted with a panel where you are prompted to set any of your needed or desired accessibility options.
    Click through the options, (Seeing, Hearing, Typing, Pointing and clicking, Zoom) and make sure the drop down options are fully functional.
    You're greeted with the 'Try or install Kubuntu' slide. The 'Kubuntu' logo should be on the left hand side.
    Select "Install Ubuntu" to continue with the installation process, or "Try Ubuntu" to boot into a live session.
    You should be greeted with a slide asking you to confirm your keyboard layout.
    Feel free to either select your desired layout, or use the auto-detect feature at the bottom.
    Proceed by clicking "Next"
    The 'Connect to a network' screen should now be displayed
    The screen should reflect the current status and display the following options (unless you're in a VM):
  • Wired connection
  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network followed by a scrollable list of available APs, displaying an active one colored with a leading checkmark
  • Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network
  • I don't want to connect to internet for now
  • If you ARE installing in a VM, you should check that the VM automatically has internet access. This is usually via a "wired connection".
    If you're testing a testcase that requires no internet access, make sure the install medium does not have internet access by configuring it properly in this slide.
    Click "Next"
    The 'Applications and updates' screen is displayed, listing normal and minimal installation, as well as options for installing updates, third party software and additional media formats.
    Select any options pertinent to the testcase - though "Default installation" is normally the desired option.
    Click "Next"
    The 'Installation type' screen is displayed
    Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install Kubuntu' radio button
    The 'Erase disk and install Kubuntu' radio button is selected and the 'Advanced features' button is active
    Click on the 'Advanced features...' button
    The 'Advanced Features' dialog is displayed
    Select 'Use LVM with the new Kubuntu installation' and check 'Encrypt the new Kubuntu installation for security'
    'Use LVM with the new Kubuntu Installation' is selected and 'Encrypt the new Kubuntu Installation for security' is checked
    Click on the 'OK' button
    The dialog closes and 'LVM and encryption selected' is displayed next to the 'Advanced features...' button
    Click on 'Continue'
    The 'Choose a security key' screen is displayed with the 'Cotinue' button greyed out
    Enter a security key and type a different key into the 'confirm the security key' input box
    The installer displays 'The security keys do not match'
    Enter a security key and type the same key into the 'Confirm the security key' input box
    The passwords are accepted and the 'Continue' button can be clicked
    Click the 'Show security key' checkbox
    The box is checked and the passwords are displayed
    Click on 'Continue'
    'Write the changes to disks' dialogue appears
    Verify that the partitioning details make sense
    Click 'Start installing'
    The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed
    You should be greeted with the "Set up your account" slide
    Put in your desired user details.
    You should be greeted with the "Select your timezone" slide
    If your system is connected to the internet, verify that the timezone that was auto-detected is accurate
    Note that, if you're on a VPN, the timezone will be affected by this.
    Click 'Next'
    You should be greeted by the "Ready to install" slide.
    On this slide, the devices to be changed and the partition table is shown to the user.
    Check that the devices listed and the partition table listed is accurate and representative of the install options you set earlier in the process.
    Click 'Next'
    Allow the machine to reboot
    The system boots properly and loads into Kubuntu showing username selected

    If all actions produce the expected results described,
    please submit a 'passed' result.
    If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result,
    please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include
    the bug number when you submit your

    ReporterLast updateBugsComment
    Passedrikmills2017-02-22 16:11Link to the testcase revision
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