Install (erase and re-install) in Ubuntu Desktop i386 in Yakkety Daily (archived)

DownloadLink to the download information
Install (erase and re-install)Detailed information on the testcase
Bug instructionsLink to bug reporting instructions
Testcase (Report an issue with this testcase)

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English

Boot up the image
The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try Ubuntu' and 'Install Ubuntu' buttons
Click on the Install Ubuntu icon
The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears
The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard
Select your keyboard layout and click on continue
The 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen is displayed
On the screen Preparing to install Ubuntu, note the availability of the following components
Available options should represent the state of your system accurately
  • (If network is available) Download updates while installing Ubuntu
  • (If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source
  • Install third-party software ... option available
Click on the continue button
The 'Installation type' screen is displayed
Select Something Else
A screen showing the current hard disks and partition layouts is displayed
Select the drive you wish to partition and use the 'Add', 'Change', and 'Delete' buttons to create your desired scheme
The screen updates showing your desired partitions and mount points
Make sure that your scheme also has a separated /home partition included
You will need the separated /home partition to verify that erasing and reinstalling Ubuntu will wipe it out
Once you have you partitioning scheme laid out and are happy click on Install Now
The partitions and disk layouts are created. Then, the 'Where are you?' screen is displayed
If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box
The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area
Click on the continue button
The 'Who are you?' screen appears
Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)
Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled
Click on the continue button
The 'Welcome to Ubuntu ' slide is displayed
Wait for the installer to finish
An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears
Click the Restart now button
GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears
Remove the disc and press enter
The machine has been rebooted
Allow the machine to reboot
The system boots properly and loads into Ubuntu
Login as the user you created, or ensure that you are auto-logged in as the user created during setup if you checked the auto-login option
The new user's desktop is presented
Create a new folder on the desktop by right clicking on it and title it 'test', open Firefox and browse to a couple of sites
Now you have a test folder on the desktop and some browsing history, this will be needed to check if erasing and reinstall of Ubuntu will wipe them out
Reboot using the iso with a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session to perform a reinstall of Ubuntu
The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try Ubuntu' and 'Install Ubuntu' buttons
Click on the Install Ubuntu icon
The 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen is displayed
On the screen Preparing to install Ubuntu, note the state of each check mark for the following components
  • Your system have at least the amount a space indicated
  • (If on a 'laptop'). Is plugged to a power source
  • Is connected to the Internet
Check marks represent the state of your system accurately
Click on the continue button
The 'Installation type' screen is displayed
Select 'Erase Ubuntu and Reinstall'
If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone corresponds with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box
The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area
Click on the continue button
The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears
The proposed keyboard corresponds to your keyboard
Click on continue
The 'Who are you?' screen appears
Input the same user details as you did on the first install of Ubuntu
Name, username and password are accepted. You should enter the same username as the first install so that the /home partition is re-used. The continue button is enabled
Click on the continue button
The 'Welcome to Ubuntu ' slide is displayed
Wait for the installer to finish
An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears
Click the Restart now button
GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears
Remove the disc and press enter
The machine has been rebooted
Allow the machine to reboot
The system boots properly and loads into Ubuntu
Login as the user you created, or ensure that you are auto-logged in as the user created during setup if you checked the auto-login option
The new user's desktop is presented
Check that the 'test' folder created on the first install has disappeard from the desktop, open Firefox and check that in the history tab has no browsing history, then open a Terminal typing CTRL+ALT+T and type 'df -h' in it without quotes, there should be no /home partition
You should verify that the /home partition has been wiped out an no previous data has been left back

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.

ReporterLast updateBugsComment
Passeddavmor22016-09-23 11:43
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