Live Session in Lubuntu Desktop amd64 in Disco Daily (archived)

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Testcase (Report an issue with this testcase)

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English

Test-case Live Session Start

Boot up the image
Lubuntu boot screen is displayed
When the installer starts select your language in the left column
Language is selected, all labels are changed to translated versions
Press "Try Lubuntu" and wait for the Live session to start
The default desktop is displayed

Test-case Live Session Usage

Use and execute the default applications found for the desktop enviroment being run
All applications should function without error

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.

ReporterLast updateBugsComment
Failedguiverc2018-12-30 06:16
lubuntu 19.04-20.04 daily - pcmanfm-qt (dolphin..) moves window position on
opening device, folders or adjust size of windows (when on 2nd display
only with vertical placement) (#1804329)

In: lxqt-session (Ubuntu)
Status: Fix Released
Importance: Undecided
1 reports, 28 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates
windows are opening partially split over two screens (vertical placement of
displays) , pcmanfm-qt moves on changing device/partition/lower-down-folder
(to be over display boundary), some windows maximize to using only ~1/8th
vertical of display (#1804337)

In: lxqt-session (Ubuntu)
Status: Expired
Importance: Undecided
1 reports, 18 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates
panel menu on 2nd display has no visble menu when clicked-open (#1810079)
In: lxqt-panel (Ubuntu)
Status: Fix Released
Importance: Undecided
1 reports, 9 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates

hp 8200 elite sff (i5-2400, 8gb, nvidia quadro 600)
adjust displays to match my setup (vertical setup anyway), add additional panel @ bottom of lower display
clicking the menu-icon on 2nd (lower) display on newly created panel did not have menu displayed on screen. it looked like it drew at top of screen, as I saw pixels top left of screen whenever menu should have appeared (click menu off using menu-icon and pixels would disappear). i altered screen so my bottom display was position at top (ie. reversed position) & menu-icon on top monitor would not display (but pixels at it's top showed when I expected menu). i've reported two bugs rather similiar, but not menu related..
ubuntu-bug & it opened firefox; window part on one display, part on other (with some obscured by panel .. ie.
firefox; add ublock origin, stream a vid (window, f11, fullscreen..)
pcmanfm-qt to mount hdd, listen to part of podcast (vlc)
pcmanfm-qt to load image -- lximage-qt opened image across two displays (part hidden by panel) though image was not high-res & well below screen resolution
pcmanfm-qt when I click on devices if on 2nd display warps to a new position (where it's on both screens & panel hides part of it.. so another bug re-occurrence)

i suspect only people having monitors vertically positioned (like I do) would notice.

i'm failing this test because of windows opening across displays, plus pcmanfm-qt changing position on switching devices is annoying (mostly because it moves to a position spread across displays with part hidden by panel - default colors making it worse as it's harder to find where to click on it in order to drag back onto a single display). not all tests recorded here.

Link to the testcase revision
ReporterLast updateBugsComment
Passedguiverc2018-12-30 05:04

hp dc7700 (c2d-6320, 5gb, g86 nvidia quadro nvs 290)
sudo apt update;
firefox; add ublock origin, youtube, stream vid (window, f11, fullscreen)
mount hdd, explore & run video (vlc) in window, f11 & fullscreen
lshw -C video reported 'nouveau' driver used. shutdown

Link to the testcase revision
Passedguiverc2018-12-30 04:51

dell [optiplex] 755 (c2d-e6850, 5gb, amd/ati radeon rv516/x1300/x1550)
sudo apt update (ethernet check), mount partitions (ext & NTFS [i don't have many ntfs parts]), explore; opening stuff I find as i commonly do. (podcasts in vlc, wallpapers in lximage-qt, no vids..). changed wallpaper using found image..
firefox; add ublock origin & stream random pick from front page
hardware similar to last so short test. shutdown

Link to the testcase revision
Passedguiverc2018-12-30 04:14
lxqt-panel: menu-button opens in wrong position (#1810075)
In: openbox (Ubuntu)
Status: New
Importance: Undecided
1 reports, 19 comments, 1 subscribers, 1 duplicates

dell [optiplex] 755 (c2d-e8300, 8gb, amd/ati radeon rv610/radeon hd2400 pro/xt)
sudo apt update, mount my hdd & play some music [vlc or default]
additional testing done here; all good except...
adjust screens to my setup (screen on right is portrait), add panel to [bottom] 2nd screen, add widgets like I have in debian(testing) - menu opens 5cm above panel like in debian [] -- will add report (& send additional info to 916105)
sudo apt install audacious (my current default) - replacing vlc to play mp3s during session (alas I did this before running `ubuntu-bug` but issue was tested before i added software)
more testing: install nfs-common; mount shares, look at photos (lximage-qt), vids (vlc), .. found an old .ods & it opened in loffice-calc correctly..etc

Link to the testcase revision
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