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debian-installer netboot builds.
These are reset every time a new debian-installer is uploaded and not on a daily basis.


debian-installer (20101020ubuntu527) bionic; urgency=medium

   [ dann frazier ]
   * arm64-efi/netboot: Improvements to mini.iso generation:
     - Add an EFI System Partition to fix booting from USB stick on
       same platforms LP: #1692876.
     - Remove no-op arguments -boot-load-size and -boot-info-table.
     - Use simpler "-e" instead of "--efi-boot" since we only have 1
       el torito image.
     - Add -partition_offset 16 so that the output of commands like
       'isosize' is correct.

   [ Adam Conrad ]
   * Move master kernels to 4.13.0-25.

 -- dann frazier   Wed, 03 Jan 2018 11:39:33 -0700

Netboot arm64 testcases in Bionic Daily (archived)

DownloadLink to the download information
Netboot ARMTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Netboot Install (ARM Desktop)Netboot Install (ARM Desktop)Mandatory---
Netboot Install (ARM Server)Netboot Install (ARM Server)Mandatory---