Notice board

debian-installer netboot builds.
These are reset every time a new debian-installer is uploaded and not on a daily basis.


debian-installer (20101020ubuntu451.15) xenial; urgency=medium

   * Move master kernels to 4.4.0-96.
   * Move hwe kernels to 4.10.0-35.  LP: #1715101.

 -- Steve Langasek   Thu, 14 Sep 2017 09:55:21 -0700

Netboot armhf testcases in Xenial Daily (archived)

DownloadLink to the download information
Netboot ARMTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Netboot Install (ARM Desktop)Netboot Install (ARM Desktop)Mandatory---
Netboot Install (ARM Server)Netboot Install (ARM Server)Mandatory---