Details for revision 2015 of testcase: Install (entire disk with ZFS)

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TitleInstall (entire disk with ZFS)
LinkNo link provided
Part of testsuitesUbuntu Desktop Mandatory Extras
Ubuntu Desktop

RevisionWritten on the 2024-03-07 09:40 by andersson123
RevisionWritten on the 2023-09-18 07:06 by andersson123

Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.

Click on 'Continue'
The 'Try or Install' screen is displayed with 'try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons
Click on the release notes hyperlink to confirm that a browser launches and you are taken to the release notes discourse page.
Click on the 'Install FAMILY' icon to select the option and click on the Continue button
The 'Keyboard layout' screen appears
The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard
Select your keyboard layout and click on Continue
The 'Connect to a network' screen is displayed
The screen should reflect the current status and display those elements
  • Wired connection
  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network followed by a scrollable list of available APs, displaying an active one colored with a leading checkmark
  • Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network
  • I don't want to connect to internet for now
  • Click on 'Next'
    The 'Applications and updates' screen is displayed, listing normal and minimal installation, as well as options for installing updates, third party software and additional media formats.
    Click on 'Next'
    The 'Installation type' screen is displayed
    Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button
    The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button is selected and the 'Advanced features' button is active
    Click on the 'Advanced features...' button
    The 'Advanced Features' dialog is displayed
    Select 'Erase disk and use ZFS'
    'Erase disk and use ZFS' is selected
    Click on the 'OK' button
    The dialog closes and 'ZFS selected' is displayed next to the 'Advanced features...' button
    Click on the 'Install Now' button
    'Write the changes to disks' dialogue appears
    Click Continue
    If there is only one hard disk, skip to the 'Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)
    Selected drive is displayed on the chart
    Verify that the full drive space is allocated
    Full drive space is allocated for installation
    Click on the Next button
    The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed
    If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone corresponds with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box
    The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a major city from your area
    Select your timezone, and click on the Continue button
    The 'Who are you?' screen appears
    Input your initial user details and password admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User
    Name, username and password are accepted.
    The "Require my password to log in" slider is already highlighted.
    The "Use Active Directory" tickbox is unchecked.
    Click on 'Next'
    The 'Choose your theme' screen is displayed showing light and dark options, as well as color options below.
    Click on 'Next'
    Wait for the installer to finish
    An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears
    Click the 'Restart Now' button
    GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears
    Remove the disc and press enter
    The machine is rebooted
    Allow the machine to reboot
    The system boots properly
    The system loads into FAMILY showing username selected
    Upon login, open a terminal, run the following commands and verify it matches the output
    $ zfs mount | sort
    bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_UUID /boot
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID /
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/srv /srv
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/usr/local /usr/local
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/games /var/games
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/lib/AccountsService /var/lib/AccountsService
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/lib/apt /var/lib/apt
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/lib/dpkg /var/lib/dpkg
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/lib/NetworkManager /var/lib/NetworkManager
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/lib /var/lib
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/log /var/log
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/mail /var/mail
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/snap /var/snap
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/spool /var/spool
    rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_UUID/var/www /var/www
    rpool/USERDATA/root_0y7dio /root
    rpool/USERDATA/u_0y7dio /home/u

    If all actions produce the expected results described,
    please submit a 'passed' result.
    If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result,
    please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include
    the bug number when you submit your