Details for testcase: Gnumeric

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Part of testsuitesLubuntu Applications
Xubuntu Testsuite B
Xubuntu Applications

RevisionWritten on the 2013-08-10 08:42 by elfy

This test will check that Gnumeric will open, create a new file and close without error

Open Gnumeric from your Menu
Gnumeric opens
Press Ctrl+S
Save the current workbook dialogue opens
File name set to Book1, Set Destination to Desktop, press Save
Gnumeric window name changes to Book1.Gnumeric
Book1.Gnumeric shows on Desktop
Press Ctrl+Q
Gnumeric closes

This test will check that Gnumeric will open a Gnumeric file

Double click Book1 on desktop
Gnumeric opens Book1.Gnumeric

This test will check that Gnumeric accepts input and Save As

Enter some data in cells
Data entered appears in cells as typed
Press Shift+Ctrl+S
Save as dialogue appears, original file name and path highlighted
Change filename to Book2, press Save
Gnumeric window name changes to Book2.Gnumeric
Book2.Gnumeric shows on Desktop
Press Ctrl+Q
Gnumeric closes

This test will check that Gnumeric will close seperate windows

Double click Book1 on desktop
Gnumeric opens with blank Book1 file
Double Click Book2 on desktop
Gnumeric opens with Book2 showing previously entered data
Focus on Book1 and press Ctrl+W
Book1 closes leaving Book2 open

This test will check that Gnumeric will print

Press Ctrl+P
Print dialogue opens
Select Printer, press Print
Document prints

This test will check that Gnumeric will Copy and Paste

Select previously entered data, press Ctrl+C
Selection outline appears as flashing dashes
Select a new cell and press Ctrl+V
Selection is copied to workbook

This test will check that Gnumeric will Cut and Paste

Select all data on workbook, press Ctrl+X
Selection outline appears as flashing dashes
Select a new cell and press Ctrl+V
Selection is moved to new position on workbook

This test will check that Gnumeric will create new files from templates

From menu select - New From Template ->calendar.Gnumeric
New window opens with calendar
Focus on new window, press Ctrl+W
Calendar window closes

This test will check that Gnumeric opens help

Press F1
The Gnumeric Manual opens
Press Ctrl+W
Manual closes
Press Ctrl+Q
Gnumeric closes

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.

RevisionWritten on the 2013-07-26 09:21 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2013-06-18 20:14 by nskaggs