Details for revision 278 of testcase: Post-installation (Xubuntu)

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TitlePost-installation (Xubuntu)
LinkNo link provided
Part of testsuitesXubuntu Installation
Xubuntu Post-installation

RevisionWritten on the 2013-07-30 16:54 by nskaggs
RevisionWritten on the 2013-07-26 09:07 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2013-03-28 16:29 by nskaggs
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-21 12:41 by knome
Log in with the Xubuntu session
Confirm the screen resolution is as expected
Open Ubuntu Software Center and install applications you would like to use
Ensure the applications are installed correctly and appear in the applications menu
If you have a USB drive, plug it in
Check that the USB drive is mounted and that you can open files from it
If you have a DVD or an audio CD, insert it
Check that the disk is mounted and that you can open and/or play files/tracks from it
Log out, shutdown or restart
Confirm the session is terminated properly

Panel icons

Move the mouse to the bottom of the screen
Does the launcher panel pop up?
Click the Application Finder icon and run any application from it
Does Application Finder open and does the application open as expected?

Settings Manager

Open the applications menu from the top left corner and run Settings Manager
Click on Window Manager Tweaks and open the Compositor tab
Click on Enable display compositing, if it is not checked
Make some adjustments
Are the adjustments applied as expected?
Uncheck Enable display compositing
Are the effects turned off?


Open Abiword and write some text
Is the keyboard layout as expected?
Save the Abiword document
Is the document saved to hard disk?
If you are connected to the Internet, Open Firefox and load
Confirm that the page loads

If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.

RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-19 15:51 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-11 15:29 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-11 15:22 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-11 15:21 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-11 15:21 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-11 15:20 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-08 17:49 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-08 17:37 by knome
RevisionWritten on the 2012-09-08 17:31 by knome