WARNING: This image is OVERSIZED. This should never happen during milestone testing.
Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.
If all actions produce the expected results described, please submit a 'passed' result. If any action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.
ASUS Pro H610M-C i7-12700 Motherboard,32GB,Intel UHDGraphics 770,Intel 219-V GB Ethernet,1TB Intel SSD Testcase:BIOS,no encryption,full disk,Internet - run in VirtualBox Reboot,login,full disk utilized,run Firefox and stream media
A few issues, but I would say no blocker:
* step 5 (test suite incomplete): There are additional options displayed: * Normal installation * Minimal installation
* step 16 (missing translation): * Help and support slide: not fully translated to French * "Skip" button is not translated
* step 18 (biggest issue to me, but doesn't actually break Xubuntu): * The prompt to remove the media doesn't appear, but it appears that it's still waiting for me to press "Enter" before rebooting