Xubuntu Desktop amd64 testcases in Hirsute Daily (archived)

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Xubuntu InstallationTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Install (auto-resize)Install (auto-resize)Mandatory---
Install (entire disk)Install (entire disk)Mandatory---
Install (manual partitioning)Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory-1-
Live session shutdown prompt is missing, just keeps spinning (#1942987)
(master bug of duplicate: 1905383)
In: plymouth (Ubuntu)
Status: Fix Released
Importance: Medium
Assignee: Daniel van Vugt
1 reports, 18 comments, 2 subscribers, 3 duplicates
ESP on install medium automatically configured as ESP for install, failing
install (#1924823)

(master bug of duplicate: 1921321)
In: ubiquity (Ubuntu)
Status: Won't Fix
Importance: Medium
1 reports, 29 comments, 2 subscribers, 8 duplicates
Live SessionLive SessionMandatory---
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Run-once---
Install (no Network)Install (no Network)Run-once---
Xubuntu Post-installationTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Xubuntu Post-installXubuntu Post-installMandatory---