Xubuntu Desktop amd64 testcases in Utopic Daily (archived)

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Xubuntu InstallationTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Install (auto-resize)Install (auto-resize)Mandatory1--
Install (entire disk)Install (entire disk)Mandatory1--
Install (manual partitioning)Install (manual partitioning)Mandatory---
Live SessionLive SessionMandatory1--
(Virtualbox) Installing with no swap partition results in corrupted system,
despite having high RAM (#1615363)

(master bug of duplicate: 1357702)
In: virtualbox (Ubuntu)
Status: Fix Released
Importance: High
1 reports, 8 comments, 3 subscribers, 2 duplicates
Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)Run-once---
Install (no Network)Install (no Network)Run-once---
Xubuntu Post-installationTypePassedFailedRunningBugs
Xubuntu Post-installXubuntu Post-installMandatory---