Install (entire disk) in Ubuntu Desktop i386 in Precise Pre-release (archived)

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ReporterLast updateBugsComment
Passedjibel2012-04-21 18:32
Passedkroll-michael2012-04-21 16:27
Passedlbsolost2012-04-21 08:01
Precise ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu appears to warn - "look out" (#986545)
In: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu)
Status: Triaged
Importance: Low
1 reports, 2 comments, 1 subscribers, 0 duplicates
Passedknightlust2012-04-21 05:04

got two concerns during the installation process
1) got ubiquity 2867 : unable to create /root/.cache/dconf : dconf will not work properly
2) a couple of packages will not install due to
'file did not match its source copy on the CD/DVD'
but will install after retrying.

Then Bug #943046 after rebooting. But everything seems ok after.

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