Upgrade in Upgrade Xubuntu i386 in Lucid Beta 2 (archived)

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ReporterLast updateBugsComment
PassedBook_em_Dano2010-04-09 13:56

Virtual machine test; P4 3.2GHz; 512MB RAM; hardy to lucid via beta2 alternate CD w/o network; only partial upgrade was completed

Passedsbeattie2010-04-07 23:25

Hardware test; karmic to lucid, radeon 7500 without fglrx driver.

Passedcharlie-tca2010-04-07 22:03
[Lucid] Update-manager removed the hardware drivers during upgrade
hardy2lucid (#553369)

In: update-manager (Ubuntu)
Status: Fix Released
Importance: High
1 reports, 18 comments, 0 subscribers, 0 duplicates

Hardware test; 1.5GHz P4; 1GB RAM; NVidia 6200 w/256MB memory
hardy to lucid

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