Notice board

debian-installer netboot builds.
These are reset every time a new debian-installer is uploaded and not on a daily basis.


debian-installer (20101020ubuntu136.16) precise; urgency=medium

   * Move master kernels to 3.2.0-60.
   * Move armadaxp kernels to 3.2.0-1631.
   * Move ti-omap4 kernels to 3.2.0-1444.
   * Move lts-quantal kernels to 3.5.0-47.
   * Move lts-raring kernels to 3.8.0-37.
   * Move lts-saucy kernels to 3.11.0-18.

 -- Dimitri John Ledkov   Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:52:20 +0000

Download links for Netboot i386